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Technology in Math Class: How to find the right balance

Technology is an incredible tool for our students, but how do we use it without over using it? Using technology in math class is all about balance. We want our students to be engaged, while not relying entirely on their computers for learning. 

Keep reading for five simple ways that you can use technology in your secondary math classroom.

Centers break your class period into perfect 15-20 minute chunks and is a great opportunity for your students to get some tech time in without spending the entire period on one activity.

Download this math centers planner to get started!

Discovery/Introducing New Ideas

Digital discovery activities are perfect for changing up the way you introduce a topic. I like to add in reflection questions to spark a whole class discussion and transition into the lesson. Check out some examples here!

Skill Reinforcement

Carve out 15 minutes per week to review foundational math skills with your students. My go to skills are fraction and negative integer operations. Read this blog post for my top five *free* math websites that are perfect for students to practice these foundational skills!

Quiz Review

There are lots of self-checking digital activities and websites that are great for review. The best part is they are usually pre-made with exactly what you need!

Sub Plans

Digital activities make sub plans a breeze! Just upload the activity or link to Google Classroom and your students will be engaged (at least as much as they can be with a sub) for the whole period.

1 thought on “Technology in Math Class: How to find the right balance”

  1. Pingback: Ultimate List of Math Classroom Supplies for High School

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