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Systems of Equations Activities Your Algebra 1 Classroom Needs

It’s easy to get caught up in basic worksheets and plug and chug assignments for teaching systems of equations in your Algebra 1 classroom. However, there are so many ways that you can make practicing solving systems fun and engaging. These systems of equations activities will hopefully inspire you to change things up in your classroom and have your students think outside the box!

Solving Systems of Equations Notes & Worksheets Bundle

This bundle of notes and worksheets for solving systems of equations creates perfect no-prep lesson plans for substitution, elimination, and special solutions of systems. The guided notes are complete with review of rewriting linear equations in standard form, prompting questions to introduce each concept, and guided example problems. 

To change up your lesson format, you can use the notes as either a whole class lesson or in small groups. The included worksheets are perfect for homework, group work, or quiz review!

Special solutions graphic organizer

Supplement your guided notes with these linear systems graphic organizers. This resource compares special types of solutions to systems of equations by graphing, substitution, and elimination. These graphic organizers are perfect for creating reference sheets that your students can use throughout the year! When completed, they are easy to read and keep the students’ notes organized.

This resource has two sets of graphic organizers. The first set is open-ended so that students can create their own problems and review special solutions on their own. The second set is a filled in version with example problems

Warm ups and exit tickets

These systems of linear equations writing prompts are the perfect no prep, grab and go activity for Algebra 1 students. All of the prompts are content aligned and can be used as warm ups, exit tickets, or math journals. Your students will be challenged to think critically about solving systems of equations by graphing, substitution, and elimination. They will also identify different types of solutions to linear systems.

Example writing prompt questions:

❉ Critical thinking and reflective journal prompts

❉ Error analysis and critiquing

❉ Real-world math problems

❉ Compare and contrast

❉ Think, pair, share

❉ Which doesn’t belong?

Systems of Equations Activities

Self-Checking Task Cards

Get your students out of their seats with these systems of equations task cards! This low-prep activity is perfect for Algebra I practice or Algebra II review! This activity includes 16 problems that require the students to solve systems of linear equations using graphing, substitution, and elimination.

Since these systems of equations task cards are self-checking, your students can work independently or in pairs to complete these with little to no help from you. You will finally be able to walk around the room and observe while your students problem-solve and discuss strategies. These task cards also include an identical set with QR Codes removed. 

Digital and printable card sort

Engage your kinesthetic Algebra 1 students with this winter themed systems of equations review activity! This digital or printable card sort can be used for independent practice, group work, or a formative assessment. This activity includes 22 scaffolded questions for finding solutions of systems from graphs and solving linear systems by substitution and elimination.

Use the digital card sort for extra practice, math centers or test review. This activity is Google Slides compatible so that the students can have their own copy to complete. The printable version can be used as an independent cut-and-paste activity or laminated for group work.

Graphing Systems of Equations Activities

This fall systems of equations activity is ideal for introducing solutions of linear systems by graphing. In this Algebra 1 activity, your students will help the squirrel collect all of the acorns to stock up for winter by solving each system of equations. With an easy-to-use answer key, this activity is a perfect fit for sub plans, math centers, or homework.

Digital Discovery Activity

This digital activity uses Google Sheets as an interactive graph. The students are able to change the values of each equation to see the results in the linear system. This entire Google Sheet is editable and pre-coded to change the y-values based on the m and b inputs.

Additionally, there are open-ended reflection questions that the students will answer along with the interactive graph. All of these questions are editable and clearly marked where the students should be responding. This activity is perfect for introducing solving systems of equations, group/center work, or sub plans.


Systems of Equations Project Based Assessment

This systems of equations project will challenge your students to create their own food truck and sustain a profitable business. This project includes scaffolded questions and organizational templates to help your students with planning.

Your students will conduct “market research” and create a business plan, write linear equations, and solve linear systems using substitution and elimination. They will then analyze their solutions and determine if they have a sustainable business model or if they need to change their plans.