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Get your students to think outside of your classroom walls

with real world applications

What do you mean by "math in the real world"?

There can be many interpretations of math in the real world, but most of them are guided by the same ideas. When teachers give real life scenarios, the students are more engaged in the work and use higher order thinking skills.

When you assign real world applications, you’re assessing more than just content. These are just a few of the skills your students learn with math in the real world activities:

Collaboration and communication skills

Critical thinking and defending solutions

Making connections and drawing conclusions

But I don't have time to add another new thing to my classroom...

No need to complicate it, teacher friend!

Start with one of these...

Critical Thinking Prompts

Create independent thinkers in just 5 minutes a day

Real World Projects

Supplement your tests with real world applications and projects

Differentiated Activities

Challenge your students or scaffold any real world application

help your students think about "why" by using open ended questions in your math classroom

The results speak for themselves...

Great supplemental resource that kept students challenged and engaged while completing real world problems.
- Barbara B.
Great Stuff!!! I used this to guide me in creating my own curriculum
- Shawn H.
Challenging questions that allowed my students to think about the material in a different way that was actually applicable to a real-world scenario. Solved one of the problems together and used the other two as a formative assessment.
- Margaret N.

Still not sure where to start? 

Grab your copy of the Math Teacher’s Quick Start Guide to Teaching Word Problems!

the math teachers quick start guide to teaching math word problems

Looking for more ideas? Check out these blog posts…