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  • ultimate math bundle. 100+ resources per grade

    How to Save 90% on Math Resources with the Ultimate Math Bundle

    I am so excited to be participating in the Ultimate Math Bundle sale again this year. Over 70 math teachers have contributed their one-of-a-kind resources for less than 35¢ each!  Just think about what you could do with over 100 resources… step out of your comfort zone and try a new activity with your students?…

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  • How to Use Google Sheets Lesson Plan Templates to Save Time

    Does it feel like you and so much time sifting through your Google Drive looking for that one student file or lesson plan from 3 years ago? What if I told you that there was a better way to stay organized that will ultimately increase your efficiency and productivity. Google Sheets has so much untapped…

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  • 5 Student Approved Math Project Ideas for Algebra 2

    Algebra 2 can often be a very dry class because there is so much information to get through in just one academic year. Many students find the concepts and workload of Algebra 2 very challenging, so I’m sharing five math project ideas to keep your students engaged and supported throughout the year. I’ve noticed this…

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  • 4 Low-Prep Ways to Turn Math Worksheets into Engaging Activities

    Math worksheets are a great way to get an idea of what your middle and high school students understand. However, day after day of worksheets can get very boring, very quickly. I always know that it’s time to switch up my routine when I start getting bored in class. If I’m bored from what we’re…

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  • 3 Tips for Maximizing Your Teacher Planning Period that Are Guaranteed to Save You Time

    Do you ever find yourself sitting in your classroom with the lights off just trying to destimulate your brain after a few rough class periods? The days where your teacher planning periods turn into a mental health period and you feel like you need another class period to actually get things done.  Losing valuable prep…

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  • 13 Math Classroom Ideas and Math Posters That Won’t Make Your High Schoolers Cringe

    Before I was a math teacher I had originally planned to be an elementary school teacher. I thought that because I had worked with younger students in the past that elementary would be the perfect fit for me. To be honest, I was a little intimidated by middle and high school students.    I have…

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