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5 Student Approved Math Project Ideas for Algebra 2

Algebra 2 can often be a very dry class because there is so much information to get through in just one academic year. Many students find the concepts and workload of Algebra 2 very challenging, so I’m sharing five math project ideas to keep your students engaged and supported throughout the year.

I’ve noticed this struggle primarily during assessments, especially at schools where Algebra 2 is a graduation requirement. No matter what Algebra 1 teachers do, not every student has the math skills or study strategies to be naturally successful in Algebra 2 without extra supports. 

A great way to supplement any tests that you assign is projects. Real world projects, specifically, are a very valuable tool that you can use in your math classroom. 

With ChatGPT and PhotoMath it is very easy for students to become unmotivated because they know any question they have can be answered in a split second. The goal of these math project ideas is to get your students to think critically and develop problem solving skills that they will actually use after high school. 

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. Most high school students will not need to know how to use the quadratic formula or perform operations on functions but they will need to know how to collaborate effectively, think critically, work through problems that are presented to them, and defend their decisions 

promo image for 5 student approved math project ideas for algebra 2

You can use projects as an end of the year assessment. If you’re able to take multiple concepts that your students have learned throughout the year and apply it all to one project you will see a lot of value in their responses. 

Not only are projects a great way to increase engagement in your classroom, they can also be the perfect activity for the week before a school break or when you know that you are going to have a sub. One of my favorite parts about math projects is the fact that my students tend to be more invested and on task while working independently or in a group

If I am using a project as sub plans, the goal is for the students to come into class and know exactly what they need to work on, so the sub doesn’t have to try to constantly redirect them. 

My one major recommendation for using projects as sub plans is to have your students start the project the day before you plan on having a sub so that you’re there to answer any of their questions. That way when your students come to class when there is a sub they will know exactly what they need to do.

I love using projects as an alternative assessment to supplement my regular unit test. With projects students are able to use their resources which is what they would be doing in the real world and applying it to the problem at hand. The ability to use resources lowers the pressure of the assessment and can often help students build math confidence.

How real world applications are different than regular word problems

Most word problems have one question that needs to be answered with little follow up or detail. These real world applications are more than just interpreting the question and quickly getting to the answer.

The one idea or scenario is stretched into a meaningful performance task that can be used as a full assessment of student learning. Students are challenged to think critically about each scenario and defend their solutions.

Quadratic Functions: Family Camping Trip

A three part real world application that challenges students to use math on a family camping trip. They will write quadratic equations in standard form and vertex form, graph quadratic functions, apply the vertical motion model, and calculate the vertex of a quadratic equation. 

Using factoring, the quadratic formula, and graphing your Algebra 2 students will solve quadratic equations and defend their answers. This jam packed activity is perfect for the end of your quadratics unit.

Systems of Inequalities: Distributing donations

In this real-world application for systems of inequalities, students will create and graph linear inequalities, find the feasible region, and defend their decisions using mathematical evidence. With this activity, your students will be tasked with creating an equitable process for distributing donated canned goods to community members in need using systems of inequalities.

Compound Probability: Predicting the weather

With this activity, your students will be tasked with predicting the weather for a popular tourist destination in Florida. They will calculate probabilities of rain, sunshine, thunderstorms, and hurricanes to help the tourists determine their weekend plans.

Analyzing and Comparing Functions: Elephant and rhino populations

In this real-world application of polynomial functions, students will use Desmos to analyze population changes of rhinos and elephants by comparing linear, quadratic, and cubic function representations. They will research the causes and effects of the population changes to justify their answers.

This project can be completed in groups or as an individual, alternative assessment. If you choose to use this project as a group activity, there are 5 different scenarios to compare so all of your student groups have a different species.

This project-based assessment includes two pages of student material with a grading rubric and an opportunity for extensions. 

Systems of Equations: Food truck

This systems of equations project will challenge your students to create their own food truck and sustain a profitable business. By conducting market research, creating linear equations, and solving systems using the graphing, substitution, and elimination methods, students will have plenty of data to justify their decisions.

This real world activity also includes built in differentiations like scaffolded questions, organizational templates, reflections questions, and room for extensions.

Final thoughts on these math project ideas for Algebra 2

Incorporating real-world projects into your Algebra 2 curriculum offers students a more engaging and practical learning experience. By providing scenarios that mirror real-life challenges, students can apply their mathematical knowledge and critical thinking skills to solve problems that are relatable to their own lives

These math project ideas promote collaboration, communication, and problem-solving, all of which are essential skills for success beyond the classroom. Embrace the power of projects to transform your Algebra 2 classroom into a dynamic and meaningful learning environment.

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